Wesley Lakui has been a member of Papua New Guinea's largest superannuation fund for 18 years, but this week the company forced him to tear down the family home he spent his entire savings to build. A school teacher, Mr Lakui is one of more than 5,000 people being evicted from a sprawling illegal settlement in Port Moresby, known as …
Shah Nawaz Hussain was just 19 when he fled his home in Pakistan to Indonesia, to board a boat destined for Christmas Island. He could have had no idea that what would follow would be a decade of living in Papua New Guinea, including years of detention on Manus Island under Australia's "PNG Solution". PNG's top migration official claims the …
The land was razed when the police and bulldozers came through. "I'm confident that justice will come," said Romney Tengere, the Chairman of the settlers' group Morata One New Block Association, as he walked in for one of the hearings as dozens of other people waited outside for news. Outside court, the lawyer representing Sixth Estate, who did not want …