The story so far: A two-year-old child in Tikrikilla, Meghalaya has been infected with vaccine-derived polio. Vaccine-derived polio is a rare condition that occurs when the weakened strain of poliovirus used in the oral polio vaccine mutates and regains the ability to cause paralysis. More about polio vaccines The first successful polio vaccine for poliovirus was made by Jonas Salk, …
Wherever we go, there it is. From smallpox vaccine to pulse polio immunisation, and now, COVID-19 vaccines, the city has come a long way in not only in handling disease outbreaks but also in overcoming challenges in vaccinating its population. Inoculations which have been carried out in India indicate that those who are vaccinated are less likely to get influenza …
As the United States struggles to distribute and administer COVID-19 vaccines, we’re looking back at the history of vaccine rollouts in our country, including the logistical roadblocks to shots and communicating with a fearful public. I sent Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs, a historian and medical doctor whose books include the biography Jonas Salk: A Life, some questions about the surprising level …