Monty, who is the Director of Uppal-Chadha Hi-tech Developers Private Limited, was about to leave for Phuket when police took him into custody, sources said. The Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police arrested late liquor baron Ponty Chadha’s son Manpreet Singh Chadha alias Monty Chadha from the Indira Gandhi International Airport late on Wednesday night in connection with a cheating …
A Delhi court on Thursday granted bail to Asees Singh Chadha, who was arrested after his speeding Bentley rammed into an autorickshaw killing a foreign national and leaving three persons injured in Lutyen's Delhi. A speeding luxury car today rammed into an auto-rickshaw at Luteyn Delhi's Vinay Marg, killing a foreign national. The car was being driven by 19-year-old Ashis …