TIRUPATI: Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy formally launched the distribution of registered conveyance deeds for house sites to over 31 lakh beneficiaries across the state. The Chief Minister handed over the new house site pattas and conveyance deeds to 20,480 beneficiaries in the Ongole municipal corporation area at a public event on Friday. “The government is now following a …
So-called child climate activist Licypriya Kangujam posted a thread of tweets yesterday narrating ‘the poor financial condition’ of her family. pic.twitter.com/HkoIdawag7 — Licypriya Kangujam December 14, 2022 However, what have raised questions is, the mismatch between her claims and her lifestyle that she herself documents on social media. Licypriya Kangujam’s house There are also photographs showing her visit to the …
On this week's episode of Channel 5's Rich House, Poor House, two millionaires are so touched by the story of a skint mother-of-two that they decide to help finance her business. Best friends Matt Haycox and Dan Buck, who live in the same luxury building in Leeds, decided to provide £10,000 and a van for stretched mother Anna Bardgett, 38, …