Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar has issued a warning to officials that strict action will be taken if the quality of potable water is not maintained. DK Shivakumar warns officials of strict action over potable water quality In a letter to the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike Commissioner, Bengaluru Zilla Panchayat CEO, and BWSSB Chairman, the Deputy CM said on …
BENGALURU, India — Bhavani Mani Muthuvel and her family of nine have around five 20-liter buckets worth of water for the week for cooking, cleaning and household chores. A resident of Ambedkar Nagar, a low-income settlement in the shadows of the lavish headquarters of multiple global software companies in Bengaluru’s Whitefield neighborhood, Muthuvel is normally reliant on piped water, sourced …
Bengaluru water crisis: Residents of the city have been dealing with water shortage, which is mainly a result of the failure of both the southwest and the northeast monsoon in Karnataka Bengaluru water crisis: In light of the ongoing water crisis in the city, residents of Silicon Valley are calling for a shift to online work or work-from-home until the …
As the city grapples with one of its worst water crises, the civic water board has warned of initiating legal action against those drilling unauthorised borewells, in yet another measure aimed at tiding over the situation. New bore dwellers in Bengaluru must take permission from govt: BBMP The move comes days after Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board banned the …