Well-known actor-filmmaker Prathap Pothen died in Chennai. “ Prithviraj Sukumaran condoled the death of Prathap Pothen. Rest in peace.” Prathap made his acting debut with 1978 Malayalam film Aaravam with director Bharathan. In the 1980s, Prathap forayed into Tamil cinema and gained popularity with films such as Moodupani, Varumayin Niram Sigappu, Panner Pushpangal among many more. He made his directorial …
Well known south Indian film actor and director Prathap Pothen passed away in Chennai on Friday. Confirming the death of the actor in his flat located on Kilpauk Garden Road, a police officer said as per initial reports he had died of natural health causes. PTI adds: The senior actor-director was known for his unique dialogue delivery and has acted …
Well-known multi-lingual actor Prathap Pothen died here following a cardiac arrest, his wife said on Friday. The director, who gave memorable hits in Tamil and Malayalam, was 70 and "passed away in his sleep" following a cardiac arrest, his wife Amala Pothen told PTI. The senior actor-director was known for his unique dialogue delivery and has acted in a number …