The Congress party unveiled its seventh list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on Tuesday, featuring contenders from Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu. Menka Devi Singh belongs to the Sarangarh royal family, with her father having served as chief minister of undivided Madhya Pradesh, and her sisters having held Congress Lok Sabha MP positions in the past. Lok Sabha …
In a surprise move, three rebel Rashtriya Janata Dal MLAs – ‘Bahubali’ Prahlad Yadav and the kin of two other strongmen, Chetan Anand and Neelam Singh — sat on the side of National Democratic Alliance in the Vidhan Sabha on Monday and voted in favour of the CM Nitish Kumar-led government during the floor test. With three RJD MLAs in …
As the Monsoon Session of Parliament draws near, there has been some real criticism of the government over concerns that it is trying to stifle the voice of democracy by disallowing Question Hour and Zero Hour, a regular feature of every parliament session when each day an hour is spent both on Question Hour and Zero Hour mentions. Parliamentary Affairs …
New Delhi: The countdown for the election of the new Lok Sabha Speaker will begin only after formation of the government on May 30, but there are several names doing the rounds for the most prestigious post in Parliament. The 17th Lok Sabha's first session is likely to start from June 6 and go on till June 15, sources have …