The Karnataka High Court on Thursday directed the trial court not to frame charges against former Member of Parliament, Prajwal Revanna who is accused in a case of rape and sexual assault, till January 16. Justice M Nagaprasanna has directed thus while hearing a petition filed by Revanna, questioning an order dated December 1, 2024 of the trial court rejecting …
The special investigation team probing the alleged sexual assault of women by Prajwal Revanna on Wednesday said the Hassan MP is unlikely to return to India before the Lok Sabha elections are over. Revanna was suspended from the Janata Dal after a huge cache of explicit videos allegedly showing him sexually abusing several women became public hours after polling for …
JD leader HD Kumaraswamy on Thursday accused the Congress government in Karnataka of misusing its powers in the Prajwal Revanna case. Demanding a “fair probe” by the BJP-led Central government, the former Karnataka chief minister asked the Congress where were the 2900 women who had been allegedly abused by his nephew in the purported explicit videos. Prajwal Revanna is the …