The formation of the Khalsa Panth played a pivotal role in the downfall of the Mughal Sultanate, chief minister Yogi Adityanath said on Monday at an event to commemorate Guru Nanak’s birth anniversary here. This is the path of truth and religion.” He also said it is the responsibility of every Indian to further strengthen the foundation laid by Guru …
New Delhi: While addressing the nation on the occasion to mark the 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India has never posed a threat to any country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi releases a commemorative coin and postage stamp on the occasion of the 400th Parkash Purab celebrations at Red Fort, …
The birth anniversary of the 10th Sikh Guru Gobind Singh is also known as the Prakash Parv of Guru Gobind Singh, and it falls every year in December or January. However, the exact date of the Prakash Parv of Guru Gobind Singh is decided based on the Nanakshahi calendar of Sikhs. On this occasion, the people of the Sikh community …