Russia-born tech tycoon Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in Paris on August 24, 2024. Edited excerpts: Does Telegram’s lax content moderation policy and purported reluctance to cooperate with law enforcement agencies justify the indictment of its founder? Pranesh Prakash: It remains unclear the extent to which Telegram’s content moderation policies are lax or whether there was any …
On October 10, Leftist propaganda portal The Wire published a report with the title ‘If BJP’s Amit Malviya Reports Your Post, Instagram Will Take it Down – No Questions Asked’ authored by Jahnavi Sen, deputy editor, and executive news producer at the portal. Microsoft’s employee helping The Wire in allegedly fabricated story The Wire claimed that a Microsoft employee, one …
On October 15, the Meta vs Wire saga took more turns and twists after The Wire published a “rebuttal” to Meta’s assertations that the alleged expose by the leftist portal was based on fabricated evidence. The Wire’s “expose” on Tek Fog came at the time of the Uttar Pradesh state assembly elections, and now the Meta “expose” came at the …
On October 31, Twitter announced that it will no longer carry political We have always had political advertising. What is it that makes online political Pranesh Prakash: There are two things that make online political advertising different. Kiran Chandra: App-based organisations have designed Twitter said it will no longer carry political KC: Platforms, particularly Facebook, have been washing their hands …