Prassthanam, the Hindi remake of the 2010 Telugu hit by the same name, reunites senior actors, Jackie Shroff, Sanjay Dutt and Manisha Koirala after two decades. Jackie is a family again,” says Koirala, who was last seen in Dutt’s biopic Sanju in which she played his mother Nargis. Coming into power and reaching your ideologies to people, for that I …
If you’ve seen the trailer of Prassthanam, you wouldn’t have been able to miss the part where Jackie Shroff and Sanjay Dutt are seen in the same frame. It is ironic how these two off-screen friends, Jackie Shroff and Sanjay Dutt seem to always play feuding forces on screen. Watch Mission Kashmir trailer here: Back to Prassthanam, it is unclear …
The trailer of Prassthanam starring Sanjay Dutt, Ali Fazal, Jackie Shroff, Chunky Panday and Manisha Koirala in the lead roles has released and it promises to be an intense and intriguing political drama. While Sanjay Dutt plays the role of a political figure in his home production, Ali Fazal will be seen as his son. Manisha Koirala is playing the …