“I’ve always been self-conscious about my chin and jaw,” says Adam—who didn’t want to use his real name—a 37-year-old real estate broker who frequently uses Instagram and TikTok to promote his business and sees a correlation between success and the chiseled jawline he got courtesy of Juvéderm. However, it does feel like social media has exacerbated an obsession with telegraphing …
PhotoAlto/Gabriel Sanchez via Getty Images Beauty has always been more than skin deep, and it’s not a new idea to conceive of aesthetics ― for men and women alike ― as a sign of social capital and status. According to Chang, “being stylish and attractive is no longer considered vanity, which makes men more comfortable to improve their looks.” What …
爱美是人的天性,做整形手术也不再是女性的专利。如今,中国有越来越多的男性选择做整形手术或非手术治疗,让自己更英俊帅气,在职场和婚恋市场获得更大优势。植发、去除眼袋、治疗粉刺和牙齿矫正是最常见的男性整容手术。 A patient receives a hair transplant operation at Yonghe Hair Transplant in Beijing. 越来越多的中国男性通过手术或非手术治疗来改变自己的外貌,以增强自信或获得优势,赵红山就是其中之一。 In 2018, the market for aesthetic medicine in China was worth more than 495 billion yuan, with males accounting for around 15 percent of customers, according to a report by cosmetic surgery social networking app Gengmei, whose name means “more beautiful” in Chinese. Some want …