As he shoots his new movie, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has entered a different kind of ring. The actor, 52, continued to slip deep into character on Friday as he donned a wig and prosthetics to portray MMA fighter Mark Kerr in the A24 biopic The Smashing Machine, which is filming in Vancouver, Canada. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson continued to …
Emmy Rossum looks unrecognizable as Angelyne in Peacock's upcoming miniseries under layers of prosthetics, a platinum wig and heavy makeup. In a new Instagram video, posted by Emmy award-winning makeup artist Mike Mekash on Thursday, the Shameless actress, 35, can be seen sitting patiently as three-pound fake breasts were strapped to her chest. Transformed: Emmy Rossum looks unrecognizable as Angelyne …