In a surprising turn, Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited has decided to continue managing the ‘Adaptive Traffic Management System’ for the next five years, reversing earlier plans to hand over the project to Pune Municipal Corporation. The Central government has extended the Smart city project up to March 2025.” In 2018, PMC had approved ₹102 crore for installing an …
While Smart City projects including the Adaptive Traffic Management System are being handled by the Pune Municipal Corporation ever since the union government scrapped the Pune Smart City Development Company Limited, the police have raised concerns over the effectiveness of the ATMS in solving traffic problems. The police have also asked the PMC for information to determine the minimum offset …
The Pune Municipal Corporation has pointed out issues with the Adaptive Traffic Management System, especially traffic signal synchronisation. The PMC has noted that the ATMS does not synchronise traffic signals properly, particularly at night. In 2018, the PMC approved ₹ 102 crore for installing an automatic signal system at 125 intersections and ₹ 68.38 crore for maintenance over the subsequent …