On Tuesday at IO 2019, Google announced the beta of Android Q aka Android 10. This is an update on the Android 9 Pie, with the final version of the Android Q slated to arrive later in October or November whenever the new Pixel phones launch. "Thanks to Project Treble and our partners for their commitment to enable faster platform …
Google I/O is scheduled to take place from 7-9 May this year and here’s what we are expecting to see Google I/O kicks off on 7 May in Mountain View, California, where Google will be hosting a keynote and a million other sessions at its Shoreline Amphitheater. We’re also expected to see Google unveil the Next Hub Max — a …
April is nearing its end, which means the exciting month of May is coming soon with several new announcements in the world of technology. For this year, the major announcements are expected to be related to Android Q and the much-hyped Google Pixel 3a. Android Q already has been out for a few months in the beta guise and Google …
Apple is so confident about its Face ID that is let go of the fingerprint scanner altogether on the iPhone X. Finding hints in the source code of the upcoming Android update, xda-developers has pointed out the evidence and the eventual possibility that Android phones may get native support for advanced, and rather more accurate, face recognition. This means there …