With the BBC setting a target to slash 100 hours of TV shows this year, the bloodbath's body count is comparable with a Line Of Duty-style murder spree. Another crime drama to fall victim to the cutthroat corporation is Better which has been shelved after just one series BBC drama Champion, which launched last year, will not be returning with …
Christopher Stevens asks: Why are we so in love with quiz shows? ‘Quiz shows have a fun, play-along quality so the viewer can feel engaged and challenged, all while finding out interesting facts,’ she says. Staggering, seven-figure prizes were not always the norm on television shows, as quiz historian and Tarrant’s question-setter Tony Nicholson reveals in his new book, Great …
Charles Van Doren, one of the first intellectual stars of the television era as a contestant on the NBC show “Twenty One,” who quickly became the country’s leading villain after admitting that his winning streak on the popular game show had been rigged, died Tuesday. Van Doren and nine other contestants who had appeared on one of three NBC shows …