Many celebrities in Kollywood including Arun Vijay, Radikaa Sarathkumar and Harish Kalyan took to Twitter to wish Jayam Ravi a very happy birthday. Happy birthday to a rare sweet person in this industry @actor_jayamravi wish you all the goodness of life — Radikaa Sarathkumar September 10, 2020 Actress Nidhhi Agerwal, who is making her debut in Tamil with Jayam …
Actress Trisha Krishnan, who has been ruling the roost for almost two decades, turned a year older today and social media is flooded with wishes from fans and industry friends. Love to you hope to catch up with you soon — Radikaa Sarathkumar May 4, 2020 Veteran politician-actress Khushbu Sundar took to social media to shower praises on the …