Siddaramaiah was the Deputy Chief Minister or the Chief Minister during a majority of the government’s decisions, which ultimately culminated in the allotment of 14 sites by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority to his wife, it was argued before the High Court of Karnataka on Monday. Mr. Raghavan argued that Section 7 of the PC act also deals with instances …
The early 1980s saw a huge influx of refugees from northern Sri Lanka into Tamil Nadu. The first sign of the fallout was the shoot-out between Prabhakaran, chief of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Uma Maheswaran, alias Mukundan, leader of People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam in Madras in May 1982. It also highlighted the fact that the …
Published : Dec 14, 2022 18:00 IST Since there was no one to furnish a Rs.30,000 surety bond, Jai Parkash, 47, spent over 22 years in judicial custody without a trial. In response to a writ petition filed against his illegal detention, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court observed on September 19, 2022, that “the allegations if taken at their …
WASHINGTON — A decade ago, then-Vice President Joe Biden shocked the political world and preempted his boss by suddenly declaring his support for gay marriage — one of the country’s most contentious issues — on national television. And folks, what’s happening is, everybody is beginning to see it.” Just over two weeks later, Biden was on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” …