Raghubir Yadav and Seema Pahwa starrer 'Yaatris' hit the theatres on 24th November 2023. In the film, Raghubir Yadav and Seema Pahwa essay a quintessential father and mother, to son and daughter duo played by Anuraag Malhan and Jamie Lever. Talking about the film, Seema Pahwal said, "This film is based on a very different concept because the middle-class families …
New Delhi: Upcoming Hindi Feature film, 'Yaatris', showcases an incredible cast including Raghubir Yadav, Seema Pahwa, Jamie Lever, and Anuraag Malhan. Director Harish Vyas shared, "The film 'Yaatris' captures the essence of this sentiment, weaving a heart-warming story that resonates with the experiences of the middle class. Actor Anuraag Malhan who is set to make his bollywood acting debut through …