The Rajyotsava festival in Chhattisgarh showcased a dazzling display of cultural performances, captivating the audience with traditional dances, music, and entertainment. The event, held to mark the Chhattisgarh Foundation Day, was inaugurated by the chief minister, Vishnu Deo Sai, and was attended by the chief guest, Mohan Yadav. The three-day festival featured performances by renowned artists and performers, including folk …
Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti members observed Black Day in Belagavi on Friday to express their support for joining Maharashtra. The protest was allowed by the district administration after the initial refusal of permission. The slogans raised included a united Maharashtra with Belagavi, Karwar, Khanapur, Nippani, Bhalki, Bidar and other Marathi speaking areas. The protest also included a bicycle and bike rally, …
With the number of COVID-19 cases in Dharwad district coming down drastically, the district administration, in association with the Department of Kannada and Culture, has chalked out a series of programmes to mark Kannada Rajyotsava. Mr. Patil asked the officials to ensure that all the programmes were held systematically and meaningfully to uphold the spirit of Kannada Rajyotsava. The Deputy …