On the 26th of June, 2023, Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh addressed the National Security Conclave organised at Jammu University. Chinese Army PLA tried to make some changes on LAC in a unilateral manner which was thwarted by Indian troops.” PM Modi follows zero tolerance against terrorism The Raksha Mantri further claimed that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, …
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh told Chinese Defence Minister General Wei Fenghe that China's aggressive behaviour is in violation of bilateral agreements between the two countries. The Indian Defence Ministry statement added, "Raksha Mantri said both sides should take guidance from the consensus of the leaders that maintenance of peace and tranquillity in the India-China border areas was essential for the …
The Indian Air Force will be ready to fully operationalise one squadron of the Rafale fighter jets in the western sector dealing with threats from Pakistan by February 2021, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh told India Today TV. India Today TV was at ground zero in Merignac, France close to the town of Bourdeaux where the ceremony to hand over the …
Speculation that Rajnath Singh, former Home Minister in the NDA government, would probably be allotted the Ministry of Defence this time in NDA-2 was already in circulation a few days prior. The cheer so evident in military circles on Rajnath’s appointment as defence minister has two aspects as its basis, the first of which relates to the allegation that the …