The Lokayukta police conducted search and seizure operations on 35 premises linked to six government officials, four posted in Bengaluru and two in the neighbouring Ramanagara district, on Tuesday and unearthed assets worth over ₹51 crore. The Lokayukta police discovered documents for 16 sites, one house, and 7.6 acres of agricultural land worth ₹21.27 crore vehicles and ornaments worth around …
At a time when citizens and experts in Bengaluru have been demanding the closure of waste processing plants and landfills, the State government has decided to carry the heaps of refuse to Ramanagara, besides Bengaluru Urban and Bengaluru Rural districts. On his directions, the Bengaluru Solid Waste Management Limited will set up four integrated solid waste management plants on lands …
Stating that the Bengaluru-Mysuru expressway, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, will not benefit people living in the towns and villages along the road including Mandya, former Chief Minister H.D. While the old highway was a lifeline for lakhs of people in Mandya and Ramanagara districts, the new expressway will benefit a few, and that it …