Vijayawada: An unauthorised drone caused a flutter while the mammoth Siddham public meeting of Chief Minister Y.S. Subsequent speaker, former minister Poluboina Anil Kumar Yadav charged the crowd, challenging Telugu Desam general secretary Nara Lokesh to come to Siddham meeting ground, instead of commissioning the drone. If three come together, we will throw and drown them in the sea.” He …
Going by the media reports on the COVID-19 situation in China, Japan and the U.S., the situation once again looks grim, and it appears that the world is heading back to square one. With reports on detection of three cases of Omicron sub-variant — two in Gujarat and one in Odisha, it is even more pertinent that we go back …
VIJAYAWADA: Irrigation minister Ambati Rambabu on Saturday refuted media reports that stakeholder states Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Telangana have sought a joint survey on Polavaram project at a meeting held by the centre. The irrigation minister maintained that everything has been made clear at this meeting to the stakeholder states of Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Telangana. He said there is no truth …