A 45-year-old fisherwoman from Tamil Nadu’s Rameswaram was gangraped and murdered on Tuesday, May 24. Six men from Orissa, who were working on a prawn farm in the region, have been arrested by the police, and the case is being investigated. As per the preliminary reports, six men from Orissa working on a prawn farm in the region are suspected …
Rameswaram: A huge toothed whale, called 'sperm whale' was found in a decomposed state off the Aatrankarai beach near Azhagankulam near here along the Ramanathapuram sea coast. Since the head and another part of the 'sperm whale' contains a white fluid that is used in medicinal preparations and in making candles etc., the Forest department personnel are investigating whether it …
Rameswaram: As part of the ongoing efforts to replenish the fish stock in the Palk Straits and Gulf of Mannar areas of the Bay of Bengal for the benefit of local fishermen, as many as 11 lakh shrimp hatches were released into the sea, official sources said on Friday. Led by the Ramanathapuram district collector, Mr. Veeraraghava Rao, a team …