The carcass of an 18-foot whale calf, weighing about two tonnes, was found washed ashore this morning at Pamban beach in Tamil Nadu’s Rameswaram. They are yet to ascertain the species, as they think it could be a blue whale, because it had dark colouration, or even baleen whale, as it had baleen plates instead of teeth. Earlier in May, …
Union Home Minister Amit Shah along with state BJP president K Annamalai flagged off Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai's state-wide 'En Mann, En Makkal ' padayatra from Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu on Friday. Amit Shah slams oppn alliance INDIA Hours before flagging off, he addressed a party rally where the senior BJP leader slammed the Congress and its allies, …
Chennai: The Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan welcomed the people who arrived on a special train from Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu for the month-long ‘Kashi Tamil Sangamam’ to Varanasi on Friday. A tweet on ANI said, “Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan welcomed the people who arrived onboard a train from Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu for the month-long ‘Kashi Tamil Sangamam’ last night. 216 …
Rameswaram: Yes you can see the Himalayas from Saharanpur, the canals of Venice are crystal clear and fish have made a comeback to the Ganga. Here at Rameswaram, foresters and marine biologists are rather disappointed that there was a sharp drop in the number of sea turtles coming to shore to nest this season. During the 2019 nesting season, forest …