A viral video of an incident on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway is doing the rounds on social media. The video clip shows a speeding car striking a ramp near the Talasari flyover, causing it to launch into the air for a distance of 25 feet. While the motorists claimed that the ramp placed for white-topping work was not visible, Sumit Kumar, …
Maharashtra Elections 2024: As Maharashtra gears up for its crucial state assembly elections on November 20, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take to the campaign trail, addressing key public meetings in Dhule and Nashik on Friday. Maharashtra Elections: Modi to Address Public Meetings in Dhule, Nashik In a message posted on social media, Prime Minister Modi expressed his enthusiasm for …
The BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation administrator Iqbal Singh Chahal on Wednesday issued directives to civic body officials to check preparations in hospitals as Covid cases are likely to rise during the monsoon. "Daily new Covid infections have increased tremendously in Mumbai, and with the monsoon around the corner, we will now see a rapid rise in symptomatic cases," Chahal said. Assistant …
Stepping up the U.S. effort to bring India on board with its sanctions against Russia, Washington has sent another senior official to discuss India’s oil purchases and plans to use the rupee-rouble payment mechanism to circumvent sanctions. According to the U.S. Embassy spokesperson, Ms. Rozenberg’s travel is “part of a continued treasury effort to engage with partners and allies around …
As Mumbai witnesses an alarming rise in the COVID-19 cases, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation on Thursday said that it has decided to ramp up testing and facilities available in hospitals to deal with the surge. Mumbai on Wednesday reported its highest one-day rise in COVID-19 cases so far with 5,185 new infections, taking the caseload in the country’s financial capital …