When Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee announced on March 12 that Rupali Biswas would be the party candidate from Ranaghat Lok Sabha seat, the 25-year-old widow was still struggling to overcome the shock of her husband Satyajit Biswas’s murder. Satyajit, a two-time TMC legislator from Nadia’s Krishnaganj assembly constituency, which falls under the Ranaghat Lok Sabha seat, was shot dead …
On Tuesday, BJP leader Mukul Roy was allowed by the Calcutta High Court to attend an election rally to be addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Nadia district on Wednesday. Roy is an accused of conspiracy in the murder of Trinamool Congress MLA Satyajit Biswas in Nadia. A division bench comprising Justices Joymalya Bagchi and M Mandal allowed Roy …