After recording Teri Meri Kahaani with Himesh Reshammiya, internet sensation Ranu Mondal has recorded her second song, titled Aadat, with the musician. Ranu became a star overnight after a video of her singing Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai at the Ranaghat railway station in West Bengal went viral earlier this month. Atindra Chakraborty, a 26-year-old engineer, is also responsible for …
Internet sensation Ranu Mondal has not received any flat as gift from Salman Khan and neither has Himesh Reshammiya paid Rs 50 lakh to her for recording his songs - all such rumours are baseless, a member of the club in Ranaghat claimed. Vicky Biswas, a member of Ranaghat's Amra Shobai Shoitan club, told news agency IANS, "Two members of …
Odia actor-comedian Tattwa Prakash Satapathy, famously known as Papu Pom Pom, has been slammed by several quarters after mocking internet sensation Ranu Mondal in a TikTok video. Satapathy, in his TikTok video, imitated the entire scenario of Ranu's recording with Himesh. In Satapathy's video, another man imitated Himesh Reshammiya - seen encouraging Ranu as she sang Teri Meri Kahaani in …
Ranu Mondal, the singing sensation from Ranaghat, reunites with her daughter after she has recently done a recording with Himesh Reshammiya. Well, most of us know who is Ranu Mondal and those who don't know, Ranu Mondal was a beggar who became a sensation overnight. Himesh Reshammiya, the famous music director and singer gave the first break to Ranu and …