Ram Charan recently shared his heartfelt wish to introduce his daughter, Klin Kaara, to one of his most iconic films, Rangasthalam. Rangasthalam, which featured Ram Charan playing the role of the hearing-impaired yet spirited young man Chitti Babu in a rural setting, earned critical acclaim and box office success for its gripping narrative, stunning visuals, and soulful music by Devi …
The letter ‘R’ has played an important part in Ram Charan’s career. In his career’s best performance in Rangasthalam, there was something enormously endearing about the Telugu superstar trying to shed his image, to get into the skin of his character the way, say, Uttam Kumar did in Satyajit Ray’s Nayak or Rajesh Khanna in Basu Bhattacharya’s Aavishkar. Ram also …