Vijay Sethupathi was in supreme form as the host of Bigg Boss Tamil 8 this weekend. VIJAY SETHUPATHI CALLS OUT ANSHIDA Vijay Sethupathi began the Saturday episode by appreciating the contestants for their effort during the task last week. VIJAY SETHUPATHI ROASTS VJ VISHAL'S CAPTAINCY Vijay Sethupathi then asked the contestants about VJ Vishal's captaincy this week. HOUSEMATES CALL JACQUELINE …
Vijay Sethupathi hosted yet another powerful and fiery episode on Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8. Vijay Sethupathi schooled Arun about the labour task and called out Ranjith for his safe play. VIJAY SETHUPATHI SCHOOLS ARUN OVER LABOUR TASK The Bigg Boss house was in complete shock when Sathya was eliminated. After Vijay Sethupathi bid goodbye to the contestants, Arun hinted …
Vijay Sethupathi was fiery in the latest weekend episode of Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8. VIJAY SETHUPATHI ROASTS JACQUELINE, SOUNDARIYA Last week, the contestants in Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8 played the Angel vs Devil task. SETHUPATHI QUESTIONS JEFFREY'S CAPTAINCY AND THARSHIKA'S DOUBLE STANDARDS Last week, Manjari and Tharshika had a war of words over getting one's share of milk. …