Actor Vikram, who is enjoying glowing responses to his performance in Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan 2, suffered a setback when he injured his rib during a rehearsal of his next project Thangalaan and will take a break from the shoot. #Chiyaan sustained an injury during rehearsals resulting in a broken rib due to which he will not be able to …
Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu aka Gundu, directed by Athiyan Athirai, is funded by Pa Ranjith’s home banner. The latter’s family is against their love and how their lives get entangled with the gundu forms the story of Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu. In the second half of the film, things tend to get a little repetitive, especially when Dinesh’s character tries …
There is no bigger struggle than toiling to get by in life. It is one reason why I do not prefer to talk about how I have struggled for opportunities,” says Athiyan, 36, the director of Pa Ranjith’s second production venture, Irandam Ulaga Porin Kadaisi Gundu, scheduled for release in November. War and politics Though his film’s trailer may have …
IN EARLY JUNE, A LOCAL SCHOOL IN Colombo gave its students a two-page list of frequently asked questions on the April 21 suicide bombings so that they could comprehend the issues involved in simple and straightforward language. The strongly worded statement bluntly began by saying that “communal violence targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka has regional and global security implications”. In …