Ranu Mondal, who has broken the internet with her soulful voice singing Lata Mangeshkar’s iconic song Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai, has finally released her first Bollywood song. At the song launch, while Himesh had reacted to the legendary singer’s remarks on the internet sensation Ranu Mondal’s song, the new singer has recently spoken about it. Ranu Mondal, talking to …
Internet sensation Ranu Mondal may have won hearts of thousands of Indian and bagged a two songs in a film but legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar had reservations about her. Asked about the same, Lata had said, “Agar mere naam aur kaam se kissiko bhala hota hai toh main apne-aap ko khush-kismat samajhti hoon. Reacting to the comments, Ranu told Navbharat …