Ranu Mondal, who has broken the internet with her soulful voice singing Lata Mangeshkar’s iconic song Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai, has finally released her first Bollywood song. At the song launch, while Himesh had reacted to the legendary singer’s remarks on the internet sensation Ranu Mondal’s song, the new singer has recently spoken about it. Ranu Mondal, talking to …
Lata Mangeshkar, whose song ‘Ek Pyar Ka Nagma’ propelled Ranu Mondal to success, says she feels ‘imitation’ can only ensure ‘short-term success.’ Ranu Mondal became an overnight sensation after a video featuring her went viral on social media. Mangeshkar has now opened up on Mondal, saying that while she feels fortunate that her work has benefited someone’s life, she feels …
Lata Mangeshkar is a legend and almost every Indian woman from a certain era secretly craved to sing like her. Recently, the internet was filled with videos of Kolkata's viral sensation Ranu Mondal who sang herself to fame with Lataji's "ek pyar nagma hai" from penury and anonymity. When Lata Mangeshkar, herself, was asked about Ranu Mondal's experience, Asia's resident …