Sometime back the internet was filled with videos of Ranu Mondal who was spotted at the railway stations singing the popular song of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar 'Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai.' Well now, the Netizens have dug out a new video of a young girl singing another song from the film Woh Kaun Thi titled 'Lag Ja Gale.' The …
Internet sensation Ranu Mondal has recreated musician Himesh Reshammiya's hit 2006 song Aashiqui Mein Teri from 36 China Town. Himesh shared a glimpse from the recording session on Instagram as Ranu sang Aashiqui Mein Teri in full spirit and confidence. Here's a glimpse of Aashiqui Mein Teri in Ranu Mondal's voice: Himesh's post has been viewed over 2 lakh times …