Internet singing sensation Ranu Mondal’s daughter Elizabeth Sathi Roy has hit back at netizens who have been attacking her mother with trolls and memes on social media. Recently, a photo, which projected Ranu as wearing loud make-up, went viral, drawing social media memes and trolls. Ranu Mondal was recently trolled for donning heavy makeup, though it was later revealed that …
Ranu Mondal, the woman who broke the internet with her rendition of ‘Ek Pyar Ka Nagma’, has recorded a song for Himesh Reshammiya’s upcoming film. Ranu Mondal, the woman from West Bengal who became an overnight sensation after her rendition of Lata Mangeshkar’s classic song, ‘Ek Pyar Ka Nagma’ went viral on social media, has nabbed a playback singing gig …