New Delhi: The transportation services in parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region were affected on Thursday following a two-day strike launched by the unions of auto and taxi drivers. Kishan Verma, president of the Delhi Auto Taxi Transport Congress Union, said that cab aggregators such as Ola, Uber, and Rapido are affecting their livelihoods and eating up their …
Bike taxis ban: Delhi is not only the national capital but a "dream capital" for millions of those who land in the city with boundless hopes of getting better employment opportunities and eventually a better life. His sharp remarks came as the Delhi Transport Department issued a public notice to Ola, Uber and Rapido to stop their bike taxi services …
Delhi government in a decision has decided to ban bike taxi services provided by Ola,Uber and Rapido in the national capital stating that it was a violation of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, which would make aggregators liable for a fine of ₹1 lakh. Here is why the government decided to ban bike taxi services in Delhi: The Delhi Transport …
Karnataka Transport Department has issued notices to Ola, Uber and Rapido to immediately stop their auto services on complaint against exorbitant charges levied to customers. But, cab aggregators are allegedly charging Rs 100 as minimum fare and a large number of people have raised complaints against it. Meanwhile, Bengaluru Autorickshaw Drivers Union plans to launch a mobile app – ‘Namma …