In yet another “Peak Bengaluru” moment, a city resident booked an auto rickshaw and got a 225 minute wait tie till the ride arrived. The resident took to social media to share the incident, writing that the wait time on ride hailing apps is “getting out of hand,” and that they have to wait for more than three and a …
We don’t need to tell you how infamous the peak hour traffic is in Bengaluru. A Twitter user named Kawal Oberoi was travelling to his destination and decided to opt for a Rapido bike ride. Well, I took a Rapido bike ride and my watch thought I was cycling,” read the caption. Well, I took a Rapido bike ride and …
A former techie in Bengaluru who was an employee at Hindustan Computers Limited was found driving a Rapido bike taxi to get job leads for a new role as Java developer. He is said to be laid off from his previous job and he turned into a bike taxi driver to meet his ends and find fellow techies for job …
Trending News: A viral video circulating on Twitter has caught the attention of many users, showcasing the fast-paced and traffic-laden streets of Bengaluru, often referred to as India's silicon valley. The image depicts a woman diligently working on her laptop while riding as a pillion passenger on a Rapido bike through the congested roads of the city. Referred to as …