A video journalist was killed in a hit-and-run accident on Chennai’s Maduravoyal-Tambaram elevated bypass on Tuesday night. Chennai hit-and-run claims life of video journalist, police hunt driver. Pradeep Kumar, who worked for a Telugu news channel and also operated as a part-time Rapido driver, was riding his bike when a speeding BMW car collided with him. 25-year-old killed in Chandigarh …
A Bengaluru woman has accused a Rapido bike taxi driver of masturbating during her ride and sending inappropriate messages to her. In a post on Twitter, the woman spoke about her ordeal and alleged that the man started masturbating mid-way on the route and continued to drive with one hand despite asking to stop the ride. We have informed to …
Trending News: A viral video circulating on Twitter has caught the attention of many users, showcasing the fast-paced and traffic-laden streets of Bengaluru, often referred to as India's silicon valley. The image depicts a woman diligently working on her laptop while riding as a pillion passenger on a Rapido bike through the congested roads of the city. Referred to as …