Popular music producer and content creator Yashraj Mukhate who has created popular viral memes inlcuding Pawri Ho Rahi Hai and Rasode Mein Kaun Tha among others has finally tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Alpana. Yashraj Mukhate gained recognition after meme Rasode mein kaun tha from the popular TV show Saathiya, in which his rap beats went viral. His …
Rasode mein kaun tha? On Sunday, she took to Instagram to share a spoof version of the viral clip Rasode Mein Kaun Tha and it features Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi as well. The spoof video, edited by a page called Meme_Hub, shows Smriti Irani delivering the now-famous Kokilaben dialogue. Almost two weeks back, music producer Yashraj Mukhate …