If you have been scrolling through your social media accounts lately, you know Kokilaben’s "Rasode Mein Kaun Tha?" Nagaon police also used the dialogue recently for their latest Instagram post and might we add, quite appropriately. Itne me Team Nagaon ayi aur dono ko utha liya.” The images that have been clicked in the kitchen of someone’s home shows two …
Patralekhaa had a quirky birthday wish for boyfriend Rajkummar Rao, who turned 36 on Monday. The actress used the viral ‘rasode mein kaun tha’ social media meme while wishing Rajkummar. The “Rasode mein Kaun tha” meme harks back to dialogue in the 2010 TV show “Saath Nibhaana Saathiya”. In a scene of episode 70, season one, Kokila asks Gopiben: “Rasode …
Bollywood actress Disha Patani has dedicated her new post to the viral ‘rasode mein kaun tha’ meme on social media. In the video, Disha is seen lip-syncing the dialogue from the TV show “Saath Nibhaana Saathiya", which has now been turned into a funny rap number. View this post on Instagram #rasodemaikauntha A post shared by disha patani on Aug …
Viral rap Rasode mein kaun tha from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya has taken the social media by storm. The viral video, where Kokilaben is seen asking Gopi Bahu 'Rasode mein kaun tha'. Talking about the viral video, Rucha Hasnabis, who played Rashi on the show said, "We had shot this 10 years back and it's impossible to remember that. Meanwhile, Gia …
Actress Rupal Patel, is excited to know that music composer Yashraj Mukhate turned her dialogue from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya into a rap song. The rap song Rasode mein kaun tha is an instant hit on social media and the video has gone viral. Yashraj Mukhate turned a scene from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya into a viral song, converting Kokilaben's dialogues into …