Veteran actor Arvind Trivedi, best known for essaying the role of Ravan in Ramanand Sagar’s 1987 iconic TV series Ramayan, passed away after suffering a heart attack on Tuesday night at the age of 82. However, earlier, it was revealed that Arvind was not the first choice for the role of Ravan in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan. Trivedi had himself mentioned …
Like every 90s kid, I have grown up watching B R Chopra’s Mahabharat and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan. When I met ‘Ravan’ My memory fails me and I am mixing up years, but it was either sometime in 2002 or in 2006 when Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was on a fast. ‘Ravan’ was going to recite the Shiv Tandav Stotra …
Veteran actor Arvind Trivedi, best known for playing Raavan on the popular 1986 mythological show Ramayan, died on late Tuesday evening following a heart attack. Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tributes to Arvind Trivedi, describing him as an “exceptional actor” who was passionate about public service. Read: Ramayan Actor Arvind Trivedi Passes Away, PM Narendra Modi Sends Condolences In an …
Actor and former MP Arvind Trivedi passed away in Mumbai late at night on Tuesday, October 5. CELEBS CONDOLE ARVIND TRIVEDI'S DEATH Arvind Trivedi's co-stars took to social media to condole his death. Sunil Lahiri, who played Laxman on the show, shared pictures of the late actor and wrote, "Bahut dukhad Samachar hai ki Hamare Sabke Pyare Arvind bhai Ab …
We all are revisiting our childhood days during the current lockdown period with TV shows like Ramayan, Mahabharat, Shaktimaan among others going for re runs. According to a report in The Times of India, Arvind Trivedi, who played Ravan, did not want to play the character in the show. In fact, as mentioned earlier in one of his interviews, Trivedi …