A video showing an innovative technique discovered by college students in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur has caught the attention of netizens. The clip features a group of B.Tech students and their invention of lighting up a Ravan effigy with a simple click from a smartphone. In the clip, the students can be seen installing the effigy and then going away at …
On the occasion of Dussehra, B.Tech students of the Institute of Technology and Management, Gorakhpur, unveiled a smart way of burning the effigy of Ravana using a mobile phone. News agency ANI took to its official Twitter handle and shared a video a group of students with their professors. In the video, they can be seen setting a two-three feet …
In a perfect example of technological innovation, students of Institute of Technology and Management, Gorakhpur have found a smart way to burn an effigy of Ravana through mobile phone. New Delhi: In a perfect example of technological innovation, students of Institute of Technology and Management, Gorakhpur have found a smart way to burn an effigy of Ravana through mobile phone. …
Technological innovations surprise us all, everyday. One of the students can be seen setting the few feet tall ‘Ravana’ effigy on fire within seconds at the click of a button. B.Tech students at the Institute of Technology and Management in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur have found this smart way to burn the effigy with the help mobile phones, news agency ANI …