Bollywood’s ‘Queen Kangana Ranaut took part in Lav Kush Ramlila in Delhi. “Also kangana - hollywood stunt director call me better action star than tom cruise,” wrote one. A user even noted, “I can’t imagine the kind of anxiety, embarrassment Kanagana must be feeling at that time.” Although Kangana’s archery skills failed to have set Ravan on fire, her elegant …
Actor Kangana Ranaut performed the Ravan Dahan at New Delhi's famed Lav Kush Ramleela on the occasion of Dussehra on Tuesday. In the 50-year history of the event, held annually at the Red Fort, this was the first time a woman set the effigy of the demon king ablaze by shooting an arrow, said Arjun Singh, president of Lav Kush …
Actor Kangana Ranaut will perform Ravan Dahan at the national capital's famed Lav Kush Ramleela on the occasion of Dussehra on Tuesday. KANGANA RANAUT TO BURN EFFIGY OF RAVAN AT RAMLEELA In the 50-year history of the event, held annually at the Red Fort, this will be the first time a woman will set the effigy of the demon king …
Writer and scholar Nabaneeta Dev Sen died in November before her translation of a 16th-century retelling of the Ramayan by a Bengali woman poet could be published. Chandrabati’s earthy realism also feels intensely contemporary, for instance in her description of the queens of Ayodhya “munching upon pieces of toasted pottery” in fits of craving during their pregnancy. As with the …