Realme had launched the Realme C2 back in April and is touted to be one of the best budget smartphones. Madhav Sheth, the company head in a Tweet announced that the phone sold over a million units since the launch, for which the brand has announced the 'Realme Million Days' sale, wherein the brand is offering two years warranty on …
Realme C2 is set to go on sale today again via Flipkart and at 12 pm. The Realme C2 is a budget device that comes in two variants of 2GB RAM+ 16GB storage and 3GB RAM + 32GB storage. Also, read: Apple creates stir online with a laptop stand that costs 999 US Dollars Realme C2 specifications The Realme …
Realme, the China-based smartphone maker on Monday launched its flagship called the Realme 3 Pro and Realme C2. The Realme 3 Pro price in India starts at Rs 13,999 for 4GB RAM and 64 ROM and Rs 16,999 for 6GB RAM and 128GB ROM. Also, read: Nubia Red Magic 3 Gaming phone with 12GB RAM and Snapdragon 855 SoC launching …