Flipkart has kicked off its Big Saving Days sale the same day as Amazon’s Prime Day sale. Apple iPhone SE The newest smartphone offering from Apple, the iPhone SE is available at a discounted price during the Big Saving Days sale. ASUS ROG Phone 3 The newest gaming smartphone in town, the new ROG Phone 3 will also be available …
It’s early 2020 and despite the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, Xiaomi has launched two premium phones at different price points. -The Redmi K30 Pro gets a newer 64-megapixel Sony IMX686 sensor doing duty as the main camera. -The Redmi K20 Pro has a more versatile set of cameras than the K30 Pro. You can get the Redmi K20 Pro starting at …
The Flipkart sale will go on till 22 January, here are the best deals on smartphones during the sale. Flipkart’s sale, called The Republic Days sale 2020, also started on 19 January and will be on till 22 January. Here are the best deals on smartphones during the sale: Apple iPhone XS During the Flipkart sale, the 64 GB variant …
The Redmi K series from Xiaomi has shown what an affordable premium phone should offer in a price-sensitive market. The Redmi K30 comes with a 120Hz refresh rate screen which is way faster than the 60Hz panel of the Redmi K20. This is where the Redmi K20 still shines --While the Redmi K30 boasts of a 120Hz refresh rate display, …