Most premium flagship smartphones cost over Rs. It brings a high refresh rate 90Hz display, flagship Snapdragon 855+ processor, up to 12GB of RAM, 50W SuperVooc charging and much more. Apart from offering blazing fast performance, Realme X2 Pro also brings a 64MP quad-camera setup for great pictures and videos. Redmi K20 Pro Image Source : XIAOMI Redmi K20 Pro …
The Indian smartphone market is highly dominated by budget and mid-range smartphones. Realme X2 Pro comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus processor, 90Hz high refresh rate display, up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of onboard storage, 50W Super VOOC fast charging technology, in-display fingerprint scanner, 64MP quad-camera setup and more. Redmi K20 Pro offers a stunning design, Snapdragon …
Festive season sale is going on. Several smartphones like Redmi Note 7S, Redmi Note 7 Pro, Poco F1, Samsung Galaxy S9, among others are available with a massive discount on Flipkart today during the Big Billion Days sale. Redmi Note 7 Pro: The Pro variant of the Redmi Note 7 series is also selling with a massive discount during the …
Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi launched the Redmi K20 series -- including the Redmi K20 and the Redmi K20 Pro -- in India recently. It now looks like After the Redmi K20 series the company is preparing to bring the successor device aka the Redmi K30 very soon. The Redmi K20 series is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor -- the chip …