Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Monday urged the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to sanction Regional Rail Ring project akin to Regional Ring Road for the overall development of the State. Speaking during the inauguration of Cherlapalli new railway terminal, he said 60 per cent of Telangana would become urbanized if the Regional Rail Ring Project was taken up. …
India and Bhutan agreed to discuss new routes of regional connectivity, and upgrade border and immigration posts to support Bhutan’s 5th King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck’s plans for a smart city at Gelephu on the border between Bhutan and Assam, after his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Monday. The rail connectivity could in the future assist …
In the early 1980s, Paul Wild, the head of the CSIRO, returned from a trip to Japan feeling particularly inspired. Ms Terrill also points out that fast rail would be replacing existing aviation routes that "stand on their own two feet commercially". "High-speed rail can bring distant communities within close proximity of each other," John Alexander, who was then the …