BJP State President K Annamalai on Thursday shared a photo on X showing Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and other DMK leaders with the accused, Gnanasekaran, in the recent sexual assault case involving a second-year engineering student from Anna University. Is it because he belongs to the ruling DMK?” à®à®®àïà®äாà®ïà®äàïà®äàï à®àïà®°à®ôிà®àïà®àïà®®àï, à® à®éàïà®äàïà®äàï விà®äமாà®é à®àïà®ñàïà®ñà®àï à®àïÆà®ïலàïà®à®³à®¿à®²àï à®à®àïபà®àïà®®àï à®à®®àï஠விரàïà®äிà®à®³à®¿à®éàï à®àïà®à®¾à®°à®®à®¾à® …