The Delhi High Court on Monday directed news channels to ensure that their reporting in respect of Delhi liquor scam case is in accordance with the official press releases issued by Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate and in compliance of the guidelines or directives which govern the news broadcasting.Justice Yashwant Varma passed the order while hearing a. The …
The Bombay high court has made some scathing observations in its 251-page order on the media trial in reportage of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death by television media. The court further added, "We, accordingly, direct that every complaint which would be made on the contents of any programme on any television channel, either to the authorised officer or …
During the hearing in the 2009 contempt case against Prashant Bhushan and Tarun Tejpal, Venugopal said that TV reports can be very “damaging for the accused” in big cases and may influence the court Certain kind of media reportage in pending matters was critically referred to before the Supreme Court by Attorney General KK Venugopal on Tuesday who said it …
Victoria state Director of Public Prosecutions Kerri Judd has written more than 100 letters to journalists and media organisations advising that she intends to charge them with offenses relating to reporting on the George Pell case Melbourne: An Australian state prosecutor has sent letters threatening to charge media organisations and dozens of journalists with breaching a gag order that banned …
A Myanmar court on Friday rejected the appeal of two Reuters reporters sentenced to seven years in jail on charges of breaking the Official Secrets Act. Wa Lone, 32, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, were convicted in September in a landmark case that has raised questions about Myanmar’s progress towards democracy and sparked an outcry from diplomats and human rights …