New DelhiL ₹1,260 crore has been diverted to Malvinder Singh's firm RHC Holdings Pvt Ltd in order to square off liabilities, the Economic Offences Wing probing the Religare Fraud Case told a Delhi Court. "The forensic audit conducted by SEBI revealed that ₹1,260 crore have been diverted to RHC Holdings Pvt Ltd.and has been further paid to square off the …
Radha Soami Satsang Beas head Gurinder Singh Dhillon and his family members on Friday approached the Delhi High Court saying they do not owe any money to RHC Holdings Pvt Ltd, promoted by Malvinder and Shivinder Singh New Delhi: Radha Soami Satsang Beas head Gurinder Singh Dhillon and his family members on Friday approached the Delhi High Court saying they …